

As an Academy, Mulberry Park Educate Together is governed by the Educate Together Academy Trust Board, comprised of highly skilled professionals volunteering to ensure our schools are well run.

Information about the Educate Together Academy Trust governance structure can be found on our website here, along with our Articles of Association, Scheme of Delegation and audited accounts.

For more information about the Trust Board please contact us on 0117 3790119.



Mulberry Educate Together has a Local Governing Board (LGB) comprised of staff, parents, local residents and co-opted governors, generously giving up their time and expertise to help develop and shape the school for the community it works within. The Board also acts as a line of communication between the school and the Trust Board.

The members of our Local Governing Board (LGB) are:

Anand Aggarwal
Co-opted Governor and Chair of Governors

Anand Aggarwal

Anand has been a co-opted governor at Mulberry Park since October 2021. He is the chair of the LGB.  Anand is a chemistry student at the University of Bath with a background in data and business. He enjoys cycling round Bath and the Cotswolds and going to concerts.

Tim Lewis
Co-opted Governor, Vice-chair; Safeguarding lead
Nina Haigh
Community Governor and Health & Safety lead

Nina Haigh

Nina is a secondary school teacher of R.E. and social sciences and is interested in all aspects of education. In her spare time she likes painting and gardening. Nina and her husband have two daughters at MPET and live close to the school.

Charlie Long
Co-opted Governor and Mental Well-being lead

Charlie Long

Charlie has been a member of the LGB since February 2021. He has a lot of experience in youth work and teaching support of children with SEND and social, emotional and mental health needs in a variety of age groups. Charlie is passionate about schools being able to support young people so they can thrive and be the best version of themselves.

Rebecca Baldwin-Cantello
Co-opted governor, SEND and Children in Care lead

Rebecca Baldwin-Cantello

Rebecca is an MPET parent and local resident. For work she is the Head of Inclusion at Bristol City Council.  Rebecca loves exploring the local area with her family and exploring everything Bath has to offer.

Sophie Thompson
Parent Governor
Sarah Phillips
Natasha Sealy
Staff Governor
Candy Madath
Non-teaching Staff Governor

Vacancies: Community governor

If you would like further information please contact us on 01225 696444 or, alternatively, please email the clerk on:

Should you wish to contact Anand, as chair of the LGB, please email on